19 Times "Freaks And Geeks" Perfectly Portrayed High School

    "I'm dying."

    1. When Daniel's opinion on school took the words right out of your mouth.

    2. Especially when he was overdramatic about how bad school actually was.

    3. When they didn't want to hear what any authority figures had to say...

    4. ...especially their parents.

    5. When "the geeks" took high school a little too seriously.

    6. When the mere thought of studying put Daniel to sleep.

    7. When they believed social groups actually mattered.

    8. When they were certain they had better places to be.

    9. When Lindsay thought she was the only person who ever made any sense.

    10. When Millie was faced with peer pressure and didn't give in.

    11. Or those times when Lindsay was faced with peer pressure and did give in.

    12. When Sam couldn't care less about social pressures.

    "How many friends does a guy need?"

    13. Gym class. Enough said.

    14. When Sam endured the trials and tribulations of trying to get his crush to fall for him over every other kid at school.

    15. And the severe awkwardness of Lindsay's first relationship.

    16. When they had absolutely nothing to do on the weekends.

    17. And when Lindsay and Millie perfectly expressed how good or bad school dances can be.

    18. When Sam had this important revelation about appearance vs. personality.

    19. And when Lindsay made this all-too-familiar statement.