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    20 After-School Activities That Are Actually Fun

    Because your kids are always in the pursuit of happiness. And hey, they might learn from these too (but don't tell them that)!

    First, you should probably invest your time on an "Activity Board."

    1. Snack Art

    2. "Dress Up" Stories

    Keep your kids' creative juices flowing and give them the chance to write and act out their own mini-production. It only works if YOU also dress up as a character.

    3. Customized Railroad Adventure

    Painter's tape? Check. Legos? Check. Awesome train town? DOUBLE CHECK. More train track inspiration here.

    4. Rainbow Foam Play

    5. Table Top Soccer

    6. "Royal Gems" Crayons

    Crayons were definitely made for jeweling--but you can also try some other cool moulds for this colorful activity.

    7. Alphabet Slime

    8. Make Ice Cream In A Bag

    Scream for ice cream...made in a Ziploc. This method will provide a basic and DELICIOUS chemistry lesson.

    9. Obstacle Course

    10. The Cabbage Experiment

    11. Dance Sessions

    Face it, kid freestyles are the best. Amp up your dance party with fun games that incorporate their favorite music and moves! Ideas here.

    12. Suminagashi

    13. Fight Local Hunger

    14. Tape Ball

    15. Tag-Team Drawing

    16. Wonder Dough

    Kick Play-doh to the curb, because it has nothing on this DIY version that's great for customized colors!

    17. Salt Art

    18. Play Doctor (The DIY Way)

    This homemade stethoscope is the key to getting your kids to go to medical school. TRUST ME.

    19. Mood Jars

    20. Apple Stamping

    Instead of boring 'ol paint, incorporate fall's most popular fruit into your child's artworks. Get some stamping techniques here and here.

    If all else fails...

    ...kid-friendly apps are cool too.

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