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    20 DIY Projects That Will Bring Your Child's Senses To Life

    Let them explore the world through their most essential powers.

    1. Kool-Aid Ice

    2. Crayon Rubbings

    All you need is paper, crayons, and different surfaces to show the power of textures. More ideas here.

    3. Popping Rice Play

    Use Rice Krispies (or any other brand), as it will include a hearing component to this sight and touch exercise.

    4. Edible Water Beads

    While buying aqua beads might be easier, they are harmful to children who accidentally pop one in their mouths. So, make your own with Boba pearls, and let the kids touch, see, and taste them. Recipe here.

    5. Travel Boxes

    6. Rainbow Foam Play

    7. Edible Finger Paint

    Now you don't have to worry about your little ones putting toxic paint in their mouths. Check out the recipe and more ideas here.

    8. Glowing Oil And Ice

    What kid doesn't like something that glows in the dark? Tutorial here.

    9. Rainbow Pasta

    10. Sound Walk

    11. Wet vs. Dry

    12. Alphabet Sensory Bin

    13. Dino Fossil Excavation

    14. DIY Snot

    Although kids DIY snot all of the time, this gooey project is pretty cool. It's so gross, yet so awesome. Tutorial here.

    15. Wall Mosaics

    16. Scent Cards

    Make some up with your favorite smells, or follow this blogger's lead with the "10 Scents of Christmas." Tutorial here.

    17. Candy Cane Cloud Dough

    Just in time for the holiday season. Recipe here.

    18. Jell-O Paint

    19. Pom Pom Ice Cream Shop

    20. Sensory Balloons

    Fill these babies up with liquid, coffee beans, and other materials that will keep your kiddos' hands occupied. You can also make this a test, in which each person guesses what's inside the balloons! Tutorial here.