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    27 Magical Unicorn Pieces You'll Want In Your Closet

    One part sparkle and two parts rainbow.

    1. Rock this 8-bit unicorn cardigan that has star buttons.

    2. Cuddle up in these "unicorn" pajamas.

    3. Some words of wisdom for you magical beings:

    4. Plush unicorn purse for you to hide your precious stuff.

    5. Yes, this is a unicorn flying out of a teacup shirt.

    6. Who is your BFF?

    7. Meet Sakura, the Japanese unicorno from Tokidoki.

    8. Use this magical wallet instead of your everyday one.

    9. Show off your unicorn pride with this sparkly necklace.

    10. Space unicorns are the best unicorns.

    11. These tights can tone down your brighter outfits without losing the magic.

    12. Robo dinosaur vs. unicorn leggings. Unicorns win obviously.

    13. Bring back cute headbands! Rainbow hair not required.

    14. This unicorn circlet is a delicate accent for your unicorn outfit.

    15. Trust us, you'll want this shirt.

    16. This sleek unicorn clutch holds all your essentials.

    17. If your ears need a bit of magic, this earring set will do the trick.

    18. Double the unicorn power with this fantastic shirt.

    19. Instead of friendship necklaces, wear matching unicorn rings with your friends.

    20. Glitter not your thing? Try this bracelet on for size.

    21. What says party? Pastel pixel unicorns, of course!

    22. Transform into a unicorn with this ears, horn and wig set!

    23. If you need some understated unicorn elegance, this necklace is for you.

    24. This skirt is for any The Last Unicorn fans out there.

    25. You need these galaxy high tops in your life.

    26. Super comfy socks for you to lounge around in.

    27. These fab sunglasses will reveal your true nature.

    Now go out there and don't let anyone else take away your unicorn shine!