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These Retro Gum Brands Taste Like Your Childhood

What was more dear as a kid than chomping on a big old mouthwateringly-sweet cud of bubble gum? NOTHING. These gums will bring you back to summer store, with a little bit of lemonade-stand money in your pocket.

catherinem13 8 years ago

Catalog Clothing You Would Have Worn As A 90s Teen

Back before the internet, we got our the mail. From a book. These magical books were called catalogs and most of our clothes dwelled within them. Here's what you would have worn had you been lucky enough to be a teen in the early, mid or late-90s.

catherinem13 8 years ago

Admit It: These Childhood Cartoon Dudes Are Hot

We all have a few cartoon characters from our childhood we liked as...more than friends. These guys appeal in all sorts of ways - from hot bods to emotional maturity, these cartoon guys would be great boyfriends...if only they were 3-D!

catherinem13 8 years ago