This "Friends" Theory Proves Joey Might Be An Actual Genius

    It was always about the pancakes. Always.

    No, there aren't many fan theories about Friends. But that just means when one does appear, everyone should definitely stop what they're doing and pay attention. Why? Because minds will be blown.

    In Season 7's "The One With Ross's Library Book," Joey briefly dates Charlotte from Sex and the City and hearts are broken... or so we're led to believe.

    Although this subplot seems totally normal for Friends, Reddit user ojcoolj has a theory: Joey's entire storyline is just about getting Rachel to make him pancakes.

    Basically, the theory is that Joey orchestrated this entire plan just so he could manipulate Rachel into making him some fluffy goodness.

    The evidence:

    1. Joey would do almost anything for food.

    2. He's not usually so romantic.

    3. The most damning proof is that when Rachel offers to make him pancakes, he comes out of his room and screams "Finally!" as if he was waiting for the offer the entire time.

    Moral of the story? Joey Tribbiani is a bona fide genius.

    You can read the complete theory here.