23 PMS Hacks That Just Might Actually Work

    Your fellow bleeders came through for you.

    PMS blows. So we asked the BuzzFeed Community what actually helps their period and PMS symptoms. Here's what they had to say:

    1. Fight cramps with orgasms.

    2. Describe the current state of your uterus in graphic detail.

    3. Lie on this cool massage mat.

    "I live by my Spoonk Mat! It takes a bit of time to get used to it, but now I will chew your face off if you even think of taking it from me. It not only helps me with my menstrual back cramps, but also with sore muscles."

    —Melissa Pavlica, Facebook

    4. Shove some hand warmers in your pants.

    5. Brew some delicious raspberry tea.

    6. Or, if you're feeling crazy, add a shot of whiskey to your tea.

    7. Consider going on birth control to rein in all that awfulness each month.

    8. Try a yoga routine specifically designed to calm your uterus.

    9. Smoke some weed if that's your thing (and if it's legal where you live).

    10. Eat as much dark chocolate as you want.

    11. Attempt to exercise — while paying special attention your super-sensitive boobs.

    12. Let a cat lie on your stomach.

    13. Or rub peppermint oil on your stomach.

    14. Instead of trying to fight the mood swings, just let yourself cry it out.

    15. Take some OTC pain relievers with soda.

    16. Try to distract yourself with your new favorite album.

    17. Find your PMS ritual. Whether it's your favorite snack + blanket + movie...

    18. ...or a really hot bath with all of your favorite things.

    19. Maybe it's just sweatpants and wine...

    20. ...or some combination of heat, McDonald's, and medication.

    21. Arm yourself with a hot water bottle and an anti-diarrheal.

    22. Make sure you're getting enough magnesium.

    23. And check in with your doctor if you're really having a rough time.

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