27 Health Questions Real People Have ACTUALLY Googled

    Inquiring minds need to know.

    We recently asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us the most embarrassing health questions they’ve ever googled. Here are the hilarious results, which may put your own neuroses into perspective.

    1. “Is it possible to get a vaginal infection from my cat?”

    2. “Can you overdose on carbs?”

    3. “Will I poop out my intestines if I accidentally swallow a rubber band?”

    4. “Is it possible for your head to be too big for your neck?”

    5. “Why is only ONE nipple so itchy?”

    6. “How can you tell if you were born with a tail?”

    7. “Can you get eczema in your vagina?”

    8. “Why does my mouth taste like blood after running?”

    9. “Why do I lose my hearing after orgasm?”

    10. “Why does my pee smell like tuna?”

    Submitted by AlyssaB1987.

    11. “If Styrofoam rubbing together was a feeling, why does my back feel like that?”

    12. “Scary loud explosion in head wakes me up at night”

    13. “What is this bump on my labia that is oozing?”

    14. “Can you feel your fetus’s stomach growl when it gets hungry inside you?”

    15. “Help I can’t stop pooping”

    Submitted by alichronic.

    16. “Can swallowing semen give you diarrhea?”

    17. “Why do my eyes twitch after I sneeze, am I dying?”

    18. “Is it bad to hold in farts?”

    19. “Can my kidney explode?”

    Submitted by Elle Driver (Facebook)

    20. “Why does my poop smell like food I didn’t eat?”

    Submitted by pam12.

    21. “What happens when you swallow your tongue ring?”

    22. “Why do my testicles stick to my thighs?”

    23. “Burnt rubber pee smell”

    24. “Why do my eyes water when I go poop?”

    25. “Why does the back of my nose suddenly taste like freshly cut grass?”

    26. “Stinky belly button goo.”

    27. “Why does my poop smell like marijuana?”

    If you want to be featured in similar BuzzFeed posts, follow the BuzzFeed Community on Facebook and Twitter!

    And if you're curious about any of these questions, we'll be posting answers to many of them in the coming weeks at BuzzFeed.com/Health!