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27 Life-Changing Habits All Twentysomethings Should Adopt

Baby steps, people. Inspired by this Quora thread.

1. Give at least one genuine compliment every day.

2. Thank your partner for the small, expected things.

3. Focus on adding more healthy foods to your diet, rather than eliminating the "bad."

4. Learn to say "sorry" to loved ones and friends in a meaningful way.

5. Stop looking at any electronic screens within an hour of bedtime, if you can.

6. Walk outside, even for a short while, every day.

7. Set an alarm on your phone for 45 minutes before you want to be in bed. This way you can force yourself to start getting ready and actually get to sleep on time.

8. Set your morning alarm to play your favorite song.

9. Try to read one book a week, if you can.

10. Keep a to-do list, and get it all set up for the next day as the last thing you do before you leave work for the night.

11. When you lend money, lend with the secret assumption that you'll never see that money again.

12. Go to bed angry.

13. Use a financial tracking tool to help you stay on top of your spending habits.


15. Help people without expecting things in return.

16. Fill half your plate with veggies as often as you can.

17. Get a reusable water bottle, and bring it with you everywhere.

18. Master the art of the power pose.

19. Try to see the good in people.

20. Think of your worst flaw. Now think of how that flaw might come with a silver lining.

21. Do 10 push-ups when you get out of bed (or as many pushups as you can do).

22. Keep a phone charger at work and one at home.

23. Make your bed as soon as you get up. Fold your clothes and put them away right when the laundry's done. And do the dishes right after you eat.

24. Make sure there's protein and fiber in your breakfast.

25. Exercise a little every day.

26. Every week, write down five things you are grateful for.

27. Remember that most people you meet are probably just as uncomfortable as you are.