Paid Post

12 Vacation Photos That Should Be Illegal

Do something different this winter and add some excitement back into your Facebook feed with a Carnival Cruise. Your co-workers will thank you.

1. The Pisa pusher.

2. The pyramid pyramid.

3. The "is that the Washington Monument in your pants or are you just happy to see me?" photo.

4. The "look how tiny the Eiffel Tower is in real life — JK, it's actually normal size lolololol" photo.

5. This.

6. The "view from the room" photo featuring the hotel parking lot.

7. The time you burned your feet...

8. ...or drowned your feet...

9. ...or dried your feet...

10. ...or gave your feet a rest. Seriously, why are you taking so many photos of your feet?!

11. The "FML."

12. And "The Continental."