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11 Jokes Your Dad Is Going To Make On Vacation

*Facepalm* Vacation time is when dads are truly in their element. Make sure you catch your dad in all his glory this winter with a Carnival Cruise. Just don't forget to pack extra eye rolls.

1. "Oh, you're hungry? Nice to meet you, hungry! I'm Dad."

2. [WAITRESS TAKES EMPTY PLATES] "As you can see, I didn't like mine."

3. "Sure, I can make you a sandwich... POOF! You're a sandwich."

4. "Do you know why sharks are so paranoid? ...Because they're into reefer!"

5. "How would I like my coffee? In a cup, please."

6. [GRAND CANYON] "See? I toldja this place rocks."

7. "You know why the sand is wet? ...Because the sea weed!"

8. "You know why you can't eat clownfish, right? Because they taste funny."

9. [AFTER YOU GET SUNBURNED] "Your face hurts? Well it's KILLING me!"

10. "Let's go fishing! We can find out which one of us is a master baiter."

11. "Thanks a latte!"