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13 Animals Who Just Hit The Jackpot

All these animals’ success stories started with their #KaCHING moment. Feel like you hit your own jackpot when you earn unlimited 1.5% cash back with the Quicksilver® card from Capital One®!

1. This real-life piggy bank.

2. This guy who's got something up his sleeve. It's money. He has money up his sleeves.

3. They say diamonds are a girl's best friend.

4. Mr. & Mrs. Moneybags over here...

5. This pouty princess

6. This chimp that only deals in hundreds.

It's a good thing Justin has opposable thumbs. If he didn't, counting all Benjamin Franklins would take forever.

7. Can you see the twinkle? No, we're not talking about the treasure, we're talking about the twinkle in Kathy's eye.

8. This pricey predator.

9. This turtle that has so much cash it can't even fit in his house.

10. This proud poodle.

11. Mamma Mia! Look at that expensive black & white sexy thang!

12. These three who are rolling in the green.

13. This barking beauty.