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13 Things Every Freelancer Knows To Be True

One day you’re working uptown; the next you’re working out of town. But with 360 Checking® from Capital One®, you can take no fees, no minimums, and fee-free ATMs with you no matter where you find yourself. Good thing, since you never know where your next gig is going to be.

1. Work hours? Literally whenever you want.

2. Morning commute? Slush-rain-snow-hail? Nope. In bed. Thick socks on.

3. Your local barista doesn't even ask what you want anymore — he or she just starts pouring.

4. Lunch is whatever you want, prepared however you want, whenever you want.

5. And no one steals it!

6. Your office is pretty much just anywhere with Wi-Fi.

7. And besides maybe running low on coffee, this is the extent of your office drama:

8. You're your own boss, and what're you going to do, get mad at yourself for taking a break?

9. If you change the shirt that you slept in after noon, you get to feel good about yourself for the rest of the day.

10. You never miss a package getting delivered.

11. Working overtime means getting paid time and a half.

12. Having more pay and more free time means more time to work on passion projects.

13. And here's the complete list of prerequisites for taking a month-long vacation: 1. Do you want to? 2. Great, enjoy your vacation.

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