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These Heartwarming Stories About Selfless Good Deeds Will Give You Life

Sup, faith in humanity? Do the ultimate good deed: Give life to others by donating to Canadian Blood Services today.

The biker, the lady, the dude, and the puppy:

Where there's a Wi-Fi, there's a way:

"I was wasting time on a blog one night at home, just scrolling my life away, when I saw this girl I follow post a photo with text that really disturbed me; I felt like she might be at risk for self-harm. I sent her a message with my number and the number to a suicide hotline in it and basically said 'We don't really know each other, but I saw that you just posted something that might mean you need to talk to someone. I've been there, and I'm here for you.' She never called me, but a week later I got a message back from her saying that my quick little message saved her life."

—Beatrix I.

The nice niece before Christmas:

Karma's a pleasant lady too:

"A couple years ago, my iPhone fell out of my pocket while I was in a cab. I was sure I would never see it again, but the woman who got in after me managed to track me down by leaving a voicemail at my parents' house in California. The day I went to pick the phone up from her at her office, she apparently lost a diamond earring, and some random man working in her building found it and turned it into security, so she got it back."

—Laura G.

For anyone who's survived a heartbreak:

The real City of Angels:

When all you can give is kindness.

"I went to visit my friend in Philadelphia and took a bus to get there that dropped me off in what felt like a stretch of nothing street. On my walk to the train station, my wallet was stolen, so I was out of money, without an ID, stranded in a city I had never been to before. I got to the train station, called the friend I was going to visit to explain my situation, and then started crying. A homeless man who I saw just used his change to buy some Chinese food came and sat down at the table next to me.

"He said he heard me on the phone with my friend and offered me some of his food and, in an attempt to lift my spirits, showed me pictures of his grandkids on his cracked phone and said that he was going to wait for my friend to come get me before leaving. She eventually came, and I thanked him before I left. I wish I could have given him something in return because that was such a comforting thing to happen to me when I felt stranded."

—Eliza D.

You get what you give:

Picking good friends:

"My best friend was having some life difficulties that made her really anxious, and I was thinking of ways I could cheer her up. One day, I ran into a big field of sunflowers and remembered that was her favourite flower. I cut the biggest bouquet of sunflowers you've ever seen and left them on her doorstep with a note telling her it would all be OK. It ended up brightening her spirits so much that it started a new tradition: On the 24th of each month, we get each other small gifts to commemorate that day and our friendship. Could be as something small as a cookie, but it always lifts our spirits and is something to look forward to in the month."

—Spencer B.

Just breathe:

All it takes to change someone's life is one tiny act of kindness. Donate blood to Canadian Blood Services today.