Paid Post

10 Signs You're The Life Of The Party

Did someone say par-tay? Audition to become a resident in Bud Light's town of party starters — Whatever, USA. Are you #UpForWhatever?

1. You're the first one on the dance floor...

2. ...and the last one off.

3. You always buy a round.

4. You never leave without at least 10 new numbers in your phone.

5. Also, you always wake up to a bunch of new friend requests.

6. You're always invited to the after-party.

7. And the after-after-party.

8. And the after-after-after-party, which is actually a lovely brunch.

9. You're a first-round draft pick for party games.

10. And you always get a return invite.

Prove that you're truly #UpForWhatever.