23 Animals Celebrating Shark Week

    Living every week like it's shark week.

    Humans have been giving sharks a bad rep for a while now...

    Praise to the Left Shark and all of the memes it inspired http://t.co/n91nDGpCVp

    So, naturally we have to depend on the rest of the animal kingdom to show us what sharks are really about.

    1. This beach bum.

    2. This cuddle buddy.

    3. This cat with that ~obnoxiously loud~ friend.

    4. This sunbather.

    5. This pensive philosopher in her solitude.

    6. This fan of knit hats.

    7. This happy fella, so long as there's food.

    8. This costume party participant.

    9. You betta work.

    10. This creative thinker. A for effort.

    11. This billiards enthusiast.

    12. This swimming companion.

    13. This dog who pulled an all-nighter to watch Shark Week videos.

    14. This natural performer.


    15. Grumpy McGrump Grump.

    16. This stylish fashionista.

    17. This dog who woke up like dis.

    18. This hammerhead.

    19. This pup loving the natural light.

    20. This hat lover.

    21. This cat thinking about all the fish in the ocean.

    22. This jawsome duo.

    23. These lovable creatures.

    Happy 28th Shark Week!