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35 Contestants From MTV's "Next" Who Are Definitely Still Single

Including Ashley, who "pooped in a box and mailed it to her ex-boyfriend."

1. How much do you have to sweat exactly to be crowned the "Sultan of Sweat?"

2. Chances are Liz is still saving up for that "'cankle' reduction surgery"...because it doesn't exist.

3. David's braces might've been magnetic...but probably not for women.

4. I mean, Charity fell off the bus.

5. Desi also fell off the bus... Maybe he was trying to smell his hands and walk at the same time.

6. Keshia doesn't even know what an avocado is. :(

7. Poor Rachel is narcoleptic and constipated.

8. No one can put up with someone who cries while watching Hannah Montana, Nugget.

9. What's more surprising, the bondage outfit or the fact that Kory has married friends?

10. Aimee seems a little, um, self-centered?

11. Five words: Gave. Herself. A. Black. Eye.

12. Three things you really shouldn't brag about.

13. This is insulting to the ghost of James Dean.

14. And this is insulting to, you know, living Lenny Kravitz.

15. These facts don't make Brad undateable so much as the shirtless/finger guns combo does.

16. This isn't even a name.

17. Johnny probably wears socks while he's having sex.

18. Don't fetishize a beloved children's classic, Brian.

19. How exactly does one become a "licensed metrosexual?"

20. Mike, your parents raised you better.

21. Matt's poor pastor.

22. Zack, this is only slightly less disturbing than having sex while on the phone with your pastor.

23. Is this, like, a sexual thing? Or do you just like acting like a dog, Brett?

24. Why would you ever tell anyone about the time you peed in your parents' bedroom?

25. Seriously, what is up with the pee facts?

26. Pimp Hat + Poop Fact = Alone Forever

27. Ashley's poop story definitely wouldn't scare off all potential suitors.

28. Well, it is hard to meet people if you're constantly sitting on the toilet.

29. Sadly, human–pizza marriage is not legal.

30. You might want to see somebody about your attraction to Santa Claus, Brad.

31. Is this, like, a knock-off Winnie the Pooh?

32. Does your sister know about this, Craig?

33. Nothing more appealing than an admitted pyromaniac.

34. So many problematic phrases in Robert's bio.

35. And are these two things related, Melissa?

Time to get back on the bus, guys. Forever.

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