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    19 Models Who Prove That Gap Teeth Don't Always Need Braces

    The bigger the gap, the better the snap.

    1. Georgia Jagger is a spitting image of her father, but with a beautiful gap.

    2. Aaliyah Hydes is flexing her gorgeous smile with some flashy jewels.

    3. Natalia Siodmiak's smile is vibrant and glamorous on this cover of Glamour.

    4. Anne Barreto's smile is full of pearly white magic that we all dream of achieving.

    5. Pika Kumara's full lips and dainty teeth make any shade of lipstick pop 10x more.

    6. Slick Woods' perfect gap is more slick than my edges will ever be.

    7. Sleepy Angle's gap teeth and freckles are the ultimate fashion duo.

    8. Maria Emilia is giving us TEETH and our edges are suddenly non-existent.

    9. Charlie Newman's cute little smile is breaking more than necks.

    10. Alek Wek's gap may be small and subtle but her look is still bold and fearless.

    11. Ashley Smith is universally known for her gorgeous gap.

    12. Lindsey Wixson's Betty Boop pout and tiny gap give her one of the most unique looks in the fashion industry.

    13. All I want for Christmas is Laura Julie's two front teeth.

    14. Lili Sumner has the pirate smile Elton John warned us about.

    15. Julia Banas' red locks, green eyes, and gap teeth are the ultimate fashion trio.

    16. Amalie Borch's porcelain choppers drill you in, making them the main focus of this shot.

    17. Azlin Nicolette's million dollar smile is perfectly priceless.

    18. India Lavers's pout is giving us extreme Twiggy vibes.

    19. And Xenia Pilipenko's gap is strong and fierce, making her an impeccable muse.