"Trim-Jeans": A Weight Loss Product So Bad It Inspired A Monty Python Sketch

    This 1971 product was neither trim nor jeans.

    Are you looking at losing weight while wearing what appears to be astronaut diapers? Then "Trim-Jeans" is the product for you and it is as easy as 3 steps!

    Step 1: Inflate your "Trim-Jeans" using your handy little pump (provided).

    Step 2: Now it's time to do 10 minutes of sit-ups, sorry, I mean "Magic Torso" movements.

    Step 3: That's it, now it's time to take measurements. You should have lost a total measurement of 7 ¼ inches in just that brief session!

    “Trim-Jeans” was so ridiculous it inspired the Monty Python's Flying Circus sketch: “Trim-Jeans Theater”

    View this video on YouTube