Alexander Skarsgård Looks Almost Unrecognizable In This Early '00s Swedish Magazine

    In 2003, Askars was less a Viking warrior and more someone you'd see in a European boy band.

    Behold: The March 2003 issue of the Swedish magazine, Kupé. Do you recognize who's on the cover?

    Yup, it's Alexander Skarsgård!

    And as you can tell back in 2003, Askars rocked some awesome frosted tips!

    He also knew how to give some pretty serious "bored" model face, all while sporting some fugly -- probably boot cut -- jeans.

    He also had his best Zoolander face down.

    Of course, the standard pensive walk and stare.

    But what is the lesson in all this?

    Some of us take time to grow into our Viking vampire looks!