17 Things You Did And Cared About In 2005 That You Would Never Do Today

    Remember when there was NOTHING worse than getting a "burn error" while making a mix CD?

    1. Printing out MapQuest directions.

    2. Arguing with someone about being either Team Jolie or Team Aniston.

    People always seemed to have WAY too strong opinions about what happened.

    3. Wanting to dress head to toe in Abercrombie & Fitch.

    4. Worrying about going over your cell phone minutes.

    5. Rushing to Blockbuster early on Fridays to make sure you could rent a copy of the newest release.

    6. Being upset that Blink-182 broke up.

    7. Lugging around a portable DVD player whenever you traveled.

    8. Using the TV Guide Channel to find out what's on.

    9. Getting excited about burning a mix CD for some sort of occasion (like a road trip).

    Of course, nothing ruined this more than getting the dreaded "encountered an error while burning" message 99% into burning the CD.

    10. Finding the LiveJournals of people you went to school with and secretly reading them. And getting excited every time they posted a new entry.

    11. Having to have the latest digital camera.

    12. Labeling every guy who cared even just a little bit about his appearance a "metrosexual."

    13. Putting cryptic song lyrics in your AIM profile just for attention.

    14. Having a section of your buddy list dedicated to people you NEVER talked to but loved to stalk.

    15. Covering your arms with as many LiveStrong bracelets — and all the colors and causes that came after — as you could.

    16. Being jealous of anyone with a Razr.

    17. And finally, taking selfies for the sole purpose of updating your Myspace profile.

    Tom Hardy's MySpace profile #neverforget

    Seriously, Myspace selfies were the only reason we took selfies!