18 Important Life Lessons Phoebe Taught On Us On "Friends"

    We should all aspire to be like Princess Consuela Bananahammock.

    1. Be honest about you want...

    2. ...and don't be afraid to ask for it:

    3. Never get roped into doing mundane work:

    4. Always accessorize your look:

    5. Remember that you are so much more than just a pretty face:

    6. Be honest with kids about the truths of the world:

    7. Try to be positive at all times:

    8. Know the art of subtle flirting...

    9. ...and the art of seduction:

    10. There are times that you need to be brutally honest:

    11. Keep your cool whenever you get into arguments — it will give you the upper hand:

    12. Sometimes it's necessary to be dramatic when conveying a point:

    13. There are times that you have to keep secrets from even your closest loved ones:

    14. There are times you'll be jealous hater, and that's OK:

    15. There are no such things as silly ideas or suggestions:

    16. There's nothing wrong with hooking up with someone who is all wrong for you:

    17. You'll never figure out men, no matter how hard you try:

    18. And finally, you're ALWAYS the coolest person in the room.