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18 Little Things You'll Have To Explain To Your Kids One Day

"Hey, can you call me back after 9 p.m.? I'm almost out of minutes for the month." —You in 2003

1. How you could go more than eight hours without having to charge your cell phone battery -- in fact, losing very little battery life.

2. How there was no worse moment than when you got all settled in to watch your favorite VHS tape only to realize that it needed to be rewound to the beginning.

3. How carefully you had to handle one of these whenever you wanted to listen to music.

4. Also when it came to music, how difficult it was to pick which CDs were essential for you to want to carry around.

5. How staying home from school was exciting ’cause it meant you got to watch these two gems.

6. How looking up information for a report or homework actually meant physically looking it up in an encyclopedia.

Via Twitter: @Ric_Hardwood

And then correctly sourcing it.

7. How you would have to use a pay phone in order to call your parents to come pick you up from the mall or movies.

8. How, even though you were a kid, you weren't sheltered from painful moments in TV shows and movies meant for children.

9. How Snake was the most entertaining game ever created for a cell phone.

10. How inspired you felt each time you played with Kid Pix.

11. How there was no worse thing to happen while doing a search online than having Internet Explorer crash.

12. How there was no better feeling than logging into your Myspace and seeing a New Friend request.

13. How instant message was the only way you communicated with your friends after school and on weekends.

14. How you more than periodically had to clean the lint and dust buildup in your mouse in order to get it to work again.

15. How this was the only way you could get the latest songs — and they were usually crappy radio rips.

16. How there used to be not only texting limits, but also talk minute limits.

17. How this was your default game to play every time you couldn't get online ’cause someone had to use the phone or was expecting a call.

18. And finally, how Friday nights were basically the Hunger Games at Blockbuster as you tried to get the latest release.

#TodaysKidsWillNeverKnow the thrill of snatching the last copy on a Friday night.

And going home defeated -- and with that SAME fallback rental -- if they ran out of copies of the new movie you wanted to rent.