12 Adorably Bizarre Vintage Photos Of Puppies

    In 1914, photographer Harry Whittier Frees posed puppies (and kittens) as part of series of photos for a children's book.

    1. "Blink was weighed every week."

    2. "Miss Kindeyes' kindergarten class."

    3. "Patches are no disgrace."

    4. "Daddy Fourpaw with Blink and Wink"

    5. "Barker Reached High"

    6. "Miss Kindeyes thought herself too severe."

    7. "Barker gives Blink his bath."

    8. "Mr. Fourpaw was lucky."

    9. "Daddy Fourpaw rescues Blink."

    10. "Rosie was a patient model."

    11. "Amy Bell teaches the fox-trot."

    12. "Puppies in rocking crib."