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14 Unexpected Upsides To Having Divorced Parents

Half the parental advisory. Double the fun. Break the rules with Girlfriends’ Guide to Divorce, Tuesdays @ 10/9c on Bravo.

At first, divorce can be... err... tumultuous.

1. But then comes double the presents!!!!!!!!!

Two Christmases! Two Hanukkahs! One birthday done over and over again!

2. And double the allowance (if you play it right).

They literally never know that you asked twice.

3. Maybe you're even gifted a new best friend.

The dog days are over, but the real DOG DAYS are just beginning!

4. As you grow older, it becomes harder for your parents to be all up in your business.

5. You get away with unapproved sleepovers by acting like you're at the other parent's place.

The more absent Dad is, the more present you will be at parties.

6. When you do want their attention though, they're constantly trying to one-up each other.

7. Sometimes Dad lets you break rules that Mom doesn't.

8. Sometimes Mom breaks her own rules.

9. With limited time together, each parent is content with nothing more than your presence.

10. You end up bonding with your siblings a lot because Dad's place is so boring.

11. When you go through a breakup later on in life... they get it.

12. And you're forgiven for a few more meltdowns.

13. You get to attend a wedding(!) if one decides to remarry.

14. And you have secrets with one parent that you'd never tell the other about.

You get to delegate your drama.

"Happily never after" can have its perks. Don't miss Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce, Tuesdays @ 10/9c on Bravo.