16 Things Only People With Terrible Cats Understand

    There's cats and then there's terrible cats.

    1. Your cat has no cat-friends. Because it attacks every other cat that moves.

    2. Your cat also has no baby friends. Because it attacks every baby it sees.

    3. Hell, your cat probably fights itself.

    4. Everything you cherish will be sprayed by your cat at least once, so you have to do stuff like this:

    5. You try to clean it up but your cat always figures out some way to stop you.

    6. So the candle aisle becomes your best friend.

    7. All trips to the vet are absolute fucking nightmares.

    8. If you have a boy cat, your vet probably told you that he would settle down once he was neutered.

    9. BUT THIS WAS A LIE!!!!

    10. If you have other animals, your cat is sure to dominate them.

    11. And if you have other cats they are sure to try to dominate each other as well.

    12. Most of the time, your cat ignores you.

    13. But at the same time they expect 100% of your attention.

    14. Your cat sleeps absolutely anywhere BUT the cat bed you spent way too much money on.

    15. And even Google can't think of anything to say.

    16. The absolute worst thing, though, is that no matter what they do, you can't NOT love them.

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