This Young Mum Has Been Left In A Legal Limbo After Her Husband Was Tragically Killed

    Leanne Hill was left a single mother after her husband was killed doing the vacuuming.

    Leanne Hill was heavily pregnant and planning a future with her husband, Ricki, when tragedy struck.

    Facebook: leanne.woodlock

    Ricki was vacuuming the house one day when an electrical shock jolted through the vaccum, killing him on the 8th of May. There is an ongoing investigation as to how and why this happened.

    Leanne had a C-section following her husband's death, not wanting to run the risk of going into labour whilst at his funeral.

    Before Ricki's death, the pair were married in June 2014, finding out Leanne was pregnant shortly after.

    Leanne told BuzzFeed News she is taking it one day at a time, but now she faces a new battle: gaining permanent residency in Australia.

    When Leanne first applied for a permanent residence visa she was told it would be a 12 year wait.

    Now, a crowdfund has been started by the Changing Lives Project, a not-for-profit hoping to help rebuild Leanne's life.

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    All of the funds from the initiative will go towards healthcare, nappies, and childcare costs so Leanne can return to work.

    There will also be a fundraising event held in Brisbane to help Leanne and her child.