Outrage After Car Found Spray Painted With Vile Islamophobic Slurs

    "Fuck your own here."

    Police are investigating after a car that was parked in a quiet Bass Hill road in south-western Sydney was vandalised with Islamaphobic slogans.

    Released by the Islamophobia Register Australia, the images show a new model Audi, spray painted with slogans like "fuck your own" and "Muslim cunt."

    People took to Facebook to comment their concern with the vandalism.

    All four tyres were slashed, and windows were broken as well. The front of the vehicle looks to have been kicked in.

    A spokesperson for the Islamophobia Register Australia told BuzzFeed News the photos were taken by a passerby and that the owner had not yet been located.

    NSW Police told BuzzFeed News there had been no reports regarding the incident, but recently confirmed on Twitter that they were investigating.