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The 11 Best Things That Ever Happened During School

Those days were the best days. Sure, you were probably too cool for school back in the day, but there were definitely times when you felt like nothing could be better. Here are those awesome moments for you to look back on.

1. That moment when you make it to your seat RIGHT as the bell rings.

2. When your teacher didn't show up during the first 10 minutes of class, so class was technically cancelled.

3. Or, when you had a substitute teacher.

4. Nothing beats the days when your teacher straight-up didn't feel like teaching and just put on a movie instead.

5. Extended recess. It was like announcing that you had won the lottery.

6. Pizza day in the cafeteria.

7. Those times your teacher forgot about the homework that was assigned last night.

8. Getting to go to lunch early. Times like these made everything worth it.

9. The day it was mandatory to sit boy-girl-boy-girl at lunch.

10. Nothing was better than playing dodgeball during PE. Nothing.

11. And of course, everyone has a crazy story from show-and-tell day.

Box Tops for Education is one way you can make sure your child’s school has all it needs, from dodgeballs to TVs to art supplies and science equipment.

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