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13 Things The Contents Of Your Fridge Say About You

Time for some serious introspection. While you're contemplating your deepest self, consider jazzing up your life with Taco Bell sauce in the bottle.

All right, everyone. Let's reach for our refrigerator doors and CONFRONT OURSELVES.

1. Perhaps it's crammed with organic fruits and veggies?

2. Maybe just some takeout containers.

3. Or maybe it's just got some BBQ sauce and milk.

4. Are you stockpiling cartons of various films?

5. Do you open the door to find intensely labeled food?

6. A dog?

7. A packed freezer with homemade goods?

8. Is your fridge door an oasis of condiments?

9. Are your shelves home to meals in mason jars?

10. Or various meats?

11. What's with all this expired food?

12. Oh, there's that unopened jar of an exotic ingredient.

13. Surprise! The fridge is empty.

14. Or maybe, just maybe... you come face-to-face with an organized, well-stocked fridge full of wholesome and fresh foods?

Regardless of your fridge situation, grab a bottle of Taco Bell sauce and bring home the awesome!