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15 Moments From "Botched" That Made Us Question Everything

Like, everything. (Slightly NSFW.) Don't miss the new season of Botched, Brand New Tuesdays 9/8c on E!

1. When we witnessed this botched butt implant:

2. When the doctors put a flashlight against an LLL boob, and it looked like this:

3. When Monique gave us this music video...

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4. ...And when she told us the name of her other song:

5. When the doctors found a piece of nose in a patient's lip.

6. When a woman stayed awake during her stomach surgery.

7. When we met Venus Delight, who danced like this:

8. When this patient, Lacey, let us in on a secret:

9. When we saw a uniboob.

10. When Monique said she'd had "over a gallon of liquid silicone" in her body.

11. When we saw this tummy tuck disaster...

...and we were just like:

12. When we weren't sure who was actually who here:

13. But then this:

14. When we met another Justin, the ~human doll~...

15. ...and when he told us how many procedures he's had:

Things are about to get even more crazy on the second season of Botched. Brand New Tuesdays 9/8c on E!

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