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Weird Link of the Day: Moustair

Where men meets moustaches meets hair meets moustaches meets hair meets MOUSTAIR

Billy Rageguy 12 years ago

When Movie Quotes Go Gay

You had me at "Hello Sailor!" Jerry Maguire No, Luke. I am your father's new boyfriend. The Empire Minces Back

Billy Rageguy 14 years ago

Cool Baseball Trick

This guy's got a crazy baseball swing.

Billy Rageguy 14 years ago

Daisy De La Hoya 911 - 'There's an Exorcism Here!'

This is a first ... a 911 call asking for an exorcism specialist. The dude who made the 911 call for "Rock of Love 2" "star" Daisy de la Hoya said Daisy was making all sorts of Linda Blair moves. The fire department listed the call as "possible overdose," which Daisy later denied.

Billy Rageguy 14 years ago

Best College Mascot Ever... Or Worst?

Evergreen State College geoduck mascott, dancing to music at half time....Thats the way geoduck! Get that!

Billy Rageguy 14 years ago

U2's Bono Calls Elvis the White Nigger

This morning, he offered his skills up for public scrutiny by unveiling an ode to Elvis Presley on Radio 4. Bono: "Elvis the white nigger ate at Burger King and just kept getting bigger.”

Billy Rageguy 15 years ago

The New Llama Song!

You won't be able to get this llama song out of your head. Lyrics: Here's a llama There's a llama and another little llama Fuzzy Llama Funny Llama Llama Llama duck Llama llama cheesecake llama tablet, brick, potato, llama llama llama... More » Here's a llama There's a llama and another little llama Fuzzy Llama Funny Llama Llama Llama duck Llama llama cheesecake llama tablet, brick, potato, llama llama llama mushroom llama llama llama duck I was once a tree house I lived in a cake but i never saw the way the orange slayed the rake I was only three years dead but it told a tale and now listen little child to the safety rail Did you ever see a llama kiss a llama on the llama llama's llama tastes of llama llama llama duck Half a llama Twice a llama not a llama farmer llama llama in a car alarm a llama llama duck is that how its told now is it oh so old is it made of lemon juice doorknob, ankle, cold Now my song is getting thin I've run out of luck Time for me to retire now and become a duck

Billy Rageguy 15 years ago

Prank Bike Race

A hilarious prank video. Happy Monday!

Billy Rageguy 15 years ago

Yahoo CEO Carol Bartz Drop the F-Bomb

Yahoo CEO Carol Bartz accidentally drops the f-bomb while having her first conference call with Wall Street analysts.

Billy Rageguy 15 years ago


A clash song.

Billy Rageguy 15 years ago

Mel Blanc Cartoon Voices 4

He practically invented the cartoon voice business, Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Barney Rubble, Woody Woodpecker, Tweety, Sylvester and countless others. Since his death, other actors have assumed the voices of the Looney Tunes characters, but none has been able to match Blanc's superb comic timing and sense of the ridiculous.

Billy Rageguy 15 years ago

Cuppycake Song

Funny and cute song.

Billy Rageguy 15 years ago

Crazy Cat 911 Call

A woman tries to get 911 to kill her crazy cat.

Billy Rageguy 15 years ago