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11 Inventions By College Students That Are Super Impressive

Will your big idea be the next best thing?

1. We wouldn't have 3D glasses without one undergrad's invention.

2. One student group's invention is saving soldiers' lives.

3. Because of one group of undergrads, we can now 3D print our emojis in color.

4. Sometimes a track can be straight fire, but some students used their tunes to STOP fires.

5. Yeah, you may have recycled in college, but one college student took that effort from the dorm to the ocean.

6. We can all thank one student for making getting blood tested just a little less painful.

7. One undergrad heard all the cries of our smartphones, and took charge (literally).

8. Being sick sucks, but one student's invention lets you suck to stop being sick.

9. Bikes are awesome but can be heavy sometimes, so nine college students did something about it.

10. When you're getting surgery, you never want anything to go wrong, and neither do these undergrads.

11. We may not have hoverboards JUST yet, but this new motorized skateboard is pretty close.

This year, stretch your mind further. Unleash your potential with a 2 in 1 laptop powered by Intel, available at Best Buy.

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