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    5 Ways To Avoid Being A Victim Of A Hate Crime

    Through living across the United States I have seen numerous hate crimes and prejudice against some of my closest friends. Here I've listed some ways to avoid these terrible situations.

    Unfortunately, we live in a country with tense racial relations and a precarious political foundation. We want to be as friendly as possible in the current social climate, but, unfortunately, other people aren't always quite as friendly. It's important to protect ourselves, so here are five ways to avoid being the victim of a hate crime.

    1. Set a good example

    While some people aren't as politically and socially enlightened, you don't want to be dragged into the darkness with those people. Keep your head up and maintain a positive attitude about the people around you. Don't assume that you will become a victim and teach others around you to trust others and show love. Even if everyone doesn't follow your lead, hopefully some people will learn from you. It's important to stay nonviolent. Being violent will only add more fuel to the fire and give the opposition a reason to show you looking out of control. It's best to stay calm and peaceful, even if it is difficult.

    2. Boost up the home security

    You don't need to leave your doors wide open to attack just because you don't treat everyone like a criminal. Get a good home security system with cameras so that if someone does do something, you will have something to bring to the police and the insurance company. Always keep a sign in your window that tells others that your home is protected.

    3. Make it a community effort

    You are not the only one who has to fear hate crimes. Join forces with other people in your community who share your fears. Coming together can give you power in numbers. just remember to keep it a loving and supportive environment. Finally, don't exclude the effort to people in your attacked group. Look for other minority groups who suffer from similar oppression to join your cause. Even extend an invitation to people in the majority who want to lend a helping hand. The more people involved in the cause the better. Plus, this can bring people together who might not otherwise find common ground.

    4. Join forces with the police

    Unfortunately, many minorities don't have a great relationship with the police today. It's time to join forces so that minorities and police are on the same side against violence. While police brutality still exists, particularly against minorities, it's best to at least attempt to create a bond. If nothing else, have a relationship with the police when it comes to hate crimes. They can help make the statistics about hate crimes public knowledge and put focus on the topic. If attempts are ignored, you can at least show that you tried.

    5. Educate yourself

    The best thing that you can do to protect yourself and your family is to educate yourself. Learn about the area that you live in to learn how prevalent hate crimes are in your area. Also learn about the laws. There may be laws that can help protect you, and there may be laws that need to be altered. Once you learn the laws, you can intelligently encourage the government to make real change. Don't only educate yourself. Teach your friends and family about the facts so that everyone is educated.

    Even in 2018, hate crimes are still very much a problem in our society. If we come together as a country, we can help make the correct type of change. Think positively about the people around you. We will work better together than against each other. We might not be able to create a perfect world for our children, but we can at least makes things a little bit better.