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Emma Watson Got A "Tattoo" But It Had A Typo And Her Reaction Is Hilarious

Anybody fancy being Emma Watson's proofreader?

I mean, if you don't know Emma Watson at this point then I'm not quite sure what I can do to help you out. But you should keep reading anyway, because what's to come is quite amusing.

So on Sunday night, Emma Watson was one of the many stars who attended the Vanity Fair Oscars afterparty. As usual, she looked stunning.

As one of the many women who've come out in support of the #MeToo and Time's Up movements, Emma chose to accessorise her outfit with a temporary tattoo that read "Times Up". The slight problem? It was missing the apostrophe.

I mean, if you ask me, it's not a huge deal, but obviously people had a lot of thoughts.

i cannot sleep at night knowing that emma watson's "time's up" tattoo lacks the apostrophe between e and s.

Mostly because Emma actually studied English literature at university.

Well, Emma finally responded to the tattoo on Twitter, and she's advertising a new job vacancy.

Fake tattoo proofreading position available. Experience with apostrophes a must.

But if you want the job, you'll have some stiff competition.

@EmmaWatson I would like to take you up on this job opportunity? I have a masters in proofreadery graduated with a 1st from Tattoo Uni top of my class

Because a lot of people are willing to drop everything to apply.

@EmmaWatson *quits job as a book editor to read fake tattoos for @EmmaWatson, has "No Ragrets"*

Something tells me Hermione Granger wouldn't be happy about this whole situation at all.