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What's The Worst Christmas Gift You've Ever Been Given?

It's the thought that counts. And these thoughts were clearly troubled.

1. The gift of a dad joke.

2. A really sucky present.

3. Their whole relationship in a nutshell.

4. A gift that kept on gifting.

5. Proof Nan was on the sherry early that year.

6. Had this been reversed, the cat would have been delighted.

7. A gift that proves it's the thought that counts – and his thoughts were clearly dismal.

8. The $1 gift that ended up costing thousands.

9. Just...this:

10. What is it with nans?!

11. Someone else to help with the washing up.

Don't be that guy. Make your life easier, and next time get people what they really want: Beats By Dre.

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