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14 Famous Tattoo Mistakes

Infamous tattoos that definitely don’t say what they’re meant to...

1. It happens to the best of us... even the Beckhams

2. Translate me baby one more time...

3. Chinese lettering can be REALLY tricky...

4. Especially in films...

5. Seplling is a real problem for Hayden Panettiere...

6. And Jessie J...

7. And Coolio...

8. And this guy...

9. But it can prove if you're a real film buff... OR NOT

10. Or how in touch you are with your spiritual side...

11. It’s always worth finding out what your tattoo means before you commit…

12. What if you're a rebel at heart...

13. Or if you love your Daddy THAT much...

14. If all else fails - get it changed...