Paid Post

12 Things Twentysomethings Literally Don’t Have Time For

Ain't nobody got time for ANY OF THIS.

1. Reading long messages on dating apps.

2. Boring work meetings.

3. Making tasty looking treats for Instagram.

4. Intricate DIY-ing.

5. RUDE people on your commute to work.

6. Receiving backhanded compliments.

7. Family asking for life updates all the time.

8. Hot-mess friends who only text you when they need something.

*claps* GET *claps* YOUR *claps* LIFE *claps* TOGETHER.

9. Waiting on laundry.

What do people even do while they wait, READ?!

10. Making phone calls.

11. Answering phone calls.

12. Listening to voicemails.

And waiting forever for pasta to cook.