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12 Cooking Fails Everyone’s Been Guilty Of

Even the best cooks have failed spectacularly before! Help avoid another cooking fail by using Barilla® Pronto™.

1. The most ubiquitous fail of all: horrifically overcooking something.

2. And let's not forget horrifically UNDERcooking something.

3. Everyone's committed the sin of forgetting a key ingredient.

4. Or made an ingredient substitution that was just a BAD CALL.

5. NO ONE in life has avoided making a huge mess in the kitchen.

6. And we've ALL made something that didn't look exactly like the picture in the recipe.

7. Forgetting something in the oven is WAYYYYY too familiar.

8. And having something stick to a pan is too common (and tragic!) of a sight.

9. We're all guilty of being lazy bums sometimes.

10. And we've all been victims of microwave disasters.

11. Who HASN'T confused flour, sugar, salt, baking powder, or baking soda?

12. Let's not forget the facepalm moment of epic-failing at flipping something over.

Let's face it: Cooking mistakes happen to everyone. Make cooking easier by using Barilla® Pronto™. One Pan. No Boil. No Drain pasta.