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Welcome To The Animated GIF Premiere Of Banshee

Banshee is no ordinary town, so the premiere of Banshee on Cinemax couldn't be an ordinary premiere. We've taken the entire hour-long first episode, and made it into animated GIFs for you to watch here, now, before the premiere on Friday at 10PM on Cinemax. All the action, all the intrigue, the whole story, everything... in animated GIFs. Enjoy.

Chapter 10: Getting To Know You

The first patrol of Lucas Hood is a bit of a crash course in the town's hierarchy, starting with an Amish lumberyard.

10 Small Fictional Cities With Big Fictional Problems

Or: the ten cheapest vacations you'll ever take. Take a trip to the backwater boonies of Banshee -- a little town with some big, bad secrets -- only on Cinemax. It's a new series premiering January 11th at 10PM. Visit the Banshee GIF Shop for some hard-boiled action from the show.

Our 16 Favorite Anti-Heroes

Not every hero is a poster-boy. These “heroes” aren’t exactly the type that help find your kitty, but they definitely get the job done. This collection of misunderstood protagonists is brought to you by Banshee, a new series premiering January 11th at 10PM on Cinemax. Visit the Banshee GIF Shop for some questionable heroics from the show.

10 Of Our Favorite Hard-Boiled Fight Scenes

There is no stronger weapon than the human will to win, and/or the ability to punch. Check out some of the most tense situations in cinema history, from the grit of Cool Hand Luke to the psychosis of Tyler Durden. This collection of rugged fisticuffs is brought to you by Banshee, a new series premiering January 11th at 10PM on Cinemax. Visit the Banshee GIF Shop for some hard-boiled action from the show.

10 Film And TV Visionaries Summarized In 4 GIFs

It only takes a few frames to recognize the thumbprint of these auteurs. Sometimes the name says it all, but wouldn't you rather see four images sum up the work? These eye-popping visuals brought to you by Banshee, a new series premiering January 11th at 10PM on Cinemax. Visit the Banshee GIF Shop for some awesome visuals from the show.

10 Classic Movies Told In 3 GIFs

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then an animated gif is pretty much IMAX 3D. So much of a story can be captured in three visual pieces. Check out these ten movies in moving-snapshot form. This visual storytelling brought to you by Banshee, a new series premiering January 11th at 10PM on Cinemax. Visit the Banshee GIF Shop for some awesome visuals from the show.