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10 Life Lessons From A Straight Shooter

Looking for someone to give it to you straight? Look no further than the advice of Rebecca Wright. Catch more of Rebecca's pearls of wisdom on Bad Judge, Thursdays 9/8c on NBC.

1. Every day, from the moment you get out of bed, be yourself.

2. Look on the bright side of every situation.

3. Sometimes, you have to fake it till you make it.

4. Don't bring unnecessary drama.

5. Be honest when people hit on you. They’ll appreciate it in the long run.

6. There's a big difference between lust and love. Learn it early.

7. Don't tally your sexual conquests. Just enjoy the company of the one you're with.

8. Make others feel loved by pointing out their strengths.

9. Stand up for yourself. Don’t let anyone push you around.

10. Finally, it’s never too early to plan for the future.

See more of Rebecca telling it like it is on Bad Judge, Thursdays on NBC.

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