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Evolution Of The Doctor Who Title Sequence

This is a complete history of the title sequences for Doctor Who -- with commentary! -- showing how they've changed while still remaining faithful.

Photos Of The World's Longest Bridge

Great water wall of China? Having traveled over the disconcerting highway that is the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway, I can honestly say no thanks to this. However, covering 26.2 miles of the Jiaozhou Bay in China, it's a pretty impressive sight.

Anonymous Driver Circles Manhattan Island In Less Than 27 Minutes

Besting Alex Roy's 2001 record of 27 minutes, a new driver representing "Corporate Broadcasting Company" accomplished the insane feat in a mere 26:03. Here's a time-lapsed video of the 24.48 mile drive, apparently performed in a Saturn Sky and with a modest average speed of 56mph.

Rubik's Kubrick

An animated portrait of Stanley Kubrick and his films, based on a Rubik’s Cube. (Via)

50 Kids That Are Cooler Than You'll Ever Be

These kids were badasses before they even got out of grade school. Get through all fifty and be jealous you weren't this cool during your childhood.

11 Great Showdowns by Scott Campbell

Great Showdowns is a series of watercolor paintings by artist Scott Campbell that presents us with unique interpretations of some of the greatest pop culture showdowns ever!

Super Mario X-Men

deviantART user basicnoir really got it right with these mashups of Super Mario characters as X-Men superheroes.

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