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10 Rules You Definitely Don't Have To Follow

Every single one of these rules is begging to be broken. Break any one of 'em, and you'll probably face as much consequence as you will remorse. Which is to say, none.

10 Ways To Become The Bartender's Best Friend

The good graces of the local barkeep are a simple challenge, but it's one that pays dividends throughout the night. Stick to these guidelines, and you'll be set up as if you've been frequenting any establishment for a very long time.

10 Cocktails That Have Unexpected Histories

Perhaps history is the last thing you're thinking about when you a take a sip of your favorite cocktail—but the origin of your drink might surprise you. From The Manhattan to Bacardi's Cuba Libre, here are the true backstories of the world's most famous drinks.

9 Words You Didn't Know Had Noble Beginnings

Words are powerful things. Some of them even have backstories that are pretty impressive! Read through this list of words with historical origins, and who knows — you might even be surprised at where Bacardi started, too.