53 People Who Perfectly Capture How Ridiculous Tomorrowland Is

    It's all love.

    1. The kandi-covered ravers who always see the bright side of things:

    2. This mustachioed lady who's ready for a tea party with Alice:

    3. Where she'll also be joined by Snow White and the Queen of Hearts:

    4. This astronaut, disco dancer, and rabbit wearing a tux:

    5. This guy whose sage-green eyes are wonderfully offset by his ruby-red ninja turtle mask:

    6. This guy who lives for the ~groove~, man:

    7. This girl with the biggest "hickey" of all time (and the biggest smile):

    8. This guy who discovered the secret to six-pack abs:

    9. And this couple who both found Waldo:

    10. This girl who knows the only way to properly accessorize a cheetah shirt is with a flower crown and flag cape.

    11. This showy Canadian, who's mastered the art of tucking a T-shirt into shorts so that it hangs just so:

    12. These men who've ALSO mastered the T-shirt tuck, complete with an unabashed smooch:

    13. This dapper trio, who keep it classy while dancing to dubstep:

    14. This girl who knows that red is the perfect color to attract both bulls and fellow EDM-lovers:

    15. This well-coiffed guy who walked straight out of a Tommy Hilfiger ad:

    16. This girl who knows sometimes sunscreen just isn't enough:

    17. This guy who knows the importance of costume changes:

    18. These flower power lovers:

    19. These dudes who got lost on the way to the beach:

    20. This guy who's mastered the art of chill:

    21. This bartender who walked out of Britney's "Toxic" video:

    22. This Frenchman with a ton of Scottish pride:

    23. Rivaled only by these Scotland-loving Belgians:

    24. This guy who just really, really likes balloons, OK?

    25. This guy who knows if you can't go to the pool, you bring the pool to you:

    26. These emo fairies:

    27. This confident fellow:

    28. These friars and nun:

    29. Josie and her Pussycats:

    30. These day-glo enthusiasts:

    31. This person who's been completely swallowed whole by the beat:

    32. These champions of classy sleaze:

    33. This very excited crosswalk guard:

    34. This human sunflower:

    35. This weather-prepared wizard:

    36. These new Japanese and Brazilian friends:

    37. This guy keeping the mullet alive:

    38. This dude who proves that photobombs can also happen from the front:

    39. These sunflower-lovers:

    40. These squirtgun-wielding cops:

    41. These proud Belgians giving out "free pony rides":

    42. These pals who know nothing says America quite like Minnie Mouse:

    43. This crew of airline pilots ready for liftoff:

    44. This ladybug and bumblebee who were caught off guard:

    45. These sailors reporting for duty:

    46. This woman who's found new use for a flag:

    47. These bobsled team members:

    48. These Supermen who started the festival fresh-faced and puka-shelled...

    49. ... and ended it with faded torso paint and tired form.

    50. This Canadian:

    51. These guys who see things just a bit differently than the rest of us:

    52. These girls who lost their friend named "Eat" somewhere in the crowd:

    53. And this guy who proves that sometimes you just NEED a dinosaur backpack that can wear your sunglasses: