13 Songs That Celebrate Just How Amazing Moms Really Are

    Because sometimes you need a melody to express what's in your heart.

    Moms are great.

    And really, we should celebrate them every day of the year.

    Because every day is Mother's Day, when it comes to the person who gave you life.

    And if you need some help expressing your feelings, maybe you can let some of these singers' tributes to their moms convey what's in your heart:

    Like how you're continually amazed by how much love a mom can have, and how much she gives every day.

    You never forget the sacrifices she made for you.

    And now that you're a little bit older, you understand that even though she could be tough, she only wanted the best for you.

    And all you ever wanted was to make her proud.

    ... and to make her smile.

    She taught you how to be a good person...

    ... and that it's the little, everyday gestures that really matter.

    So make sure you're always there for the ones who were there for you from the start...

    ... and remember the golden rule.

    Listen to all the songs above and more on BuzzFeed's Mother's Day playlist:


    And send it to your mom! Happy Mother's Day!