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What It Feels Like To Completely Lose Your Cool

Despite our best efforts, all of us lose our cool from time to time. Unexpected life events can bring on various heightened emotions - but so can being around super hot people. Thankfully, AXE Black Chill is here to help you keep your cool.

1. Your eyes bulge when the scope of the situation becomes clear.

2. Your mouth will feel like it's full of sand and cotton.

3. At this point, the panic level starts to increase.

4. You have a choice here. You can either play it cool and force a smile.

5. Or immediately show your disappointment.

6. Now you're on the precipice. There's no turning back.

7. Your motor skills are rendered useless.

8. Freakishness bubbles up from inside you.

9. You pound inanimate objects and make strange beastly sounds.

10. You've reached the point of full demonic possession.

11. You crest the hill at 100 miles per hour, still furiously vibrating, as you slowly apply the brakes.

12. And then, just like that, it's over and you can take a deep breath and replay your foolish actions in your head.

Axe understands how hard it is to keep your cool, especially for the guys out there...