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    25 Signs You Might Be Highly Excitable

    Things only a Highly Excitable person would understand.

    If you are Highly Excitable, you pick up on things that other people don't and respond more intensely than the average Joe.

    Many Highly Excitables are also Highly Sensitive, but while HSPs often feel the world is "too much" for them, those who relate as Highly Excitable might also fear that they may be "too much" for the world. There are five areas where you might be overexcitable: thoughts, imagination, feelings, senses and motion. You might have just one, or have the adventure of having all five!

    Here are some signs you might be Highly Excitable:

    1. You feel both “too much” and “not enough” at the same time.

    2. You get a sense of elation from getting to the bottom of your laundry pile!

    3. When that certain song comes up, you can’t help but dance or sing to it wherever you are.

    4. Only one or two people get your jokes.

    5. You feel like everyone is more together than you.

    6. You find it hard to live up to your own standards.

    7. You feel like you have 100 tabs open in the browser of your mind.

    8. Sometimes you just want to go climb up a tree.

    9. When you are into someone you are REALLY INTO them, but you’re afraid you will scare them off.

    10. It might take you an hour and a half to pick out a lamp.

    11. You must be a princess because you can definitely feel that pea!

    12. You can get so focused on that new project, you forgot to pee.

    13. Last week you were an avid fish collector, and this week you are all about ham radio.

    14. It’s not enough to just make something cool, you need to make something revolutionary.

    15. You’re kind of like my broken car fan, you’re either on full blast or not on at all.

    16. You have to be careful not to pick up other people’s accents lest they inadvertently think you are making fun of them.

    17. You think of the exact right thing to say when it is no longer relevant.

    18. Part of that conversation you were having happened in your head, so you might have to catch the other person up.

    19. You can remember Monty Python sketches or song lyrics word for word after hearing them once, but you can’t remember what you put on your grocery list earlier that day.

    20. You have a class clown/teenage boy sense of humor, but a sophisticated intellect.

    21. You can solve perplexing puzzles, yet this is the third time you’ve had to run the washer because you keep forgetting about the wet clothes inside.

    22. No matter how much you like the person you just met, or how long you spoke to them, you will still forget their name by the time they stop talking.

    23. You force yourself to pay attention when people make small talk, but as soon as they talk about something personal or meaningful, you hang on their every word.

    24. You compile a list of things of things you’d like to accomplish, then go play instead, and then beat yourself up for being “lazy” for not getting anything done.

    25. You worry that choosing pictures of people dancing for your excitability blog post will make others think that all excitable people like to dance.

    Being Highly Excitable has it's challenges, but it can also be the root of a lot of great powers! Depending on the type of excitability, it can bring excellent problem solving abilities, supremely innovative thinking, deep emotional connection, keen sensory perception and/or dynamic energy.

    If you ever feel like you are "too much" (too analytical, too spacey, too emotional, too sensitive, too hyper), remember that you excesses might just be your greatest assets! Get my free workbook on Harnessing the Power of Your Intensity here!