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You Can Now Get The Best Sephora Products For $10 A Month

Straight to your doorstep.

There is a heaven on earth, and its name is Sephora.

You walk in the store and you're like, "Hi, hello there, new friends, want to come over and play at my house?"

But then you remember you're broke and you already spent $184 at Sephora last week.

Take heart, broke beauty addicts (and literally anyone who loves makeup)! For there is hope, and hope is called the new Sephora Play! subscription box.

For $10 a month, you can have a box of Sephora's best products shipped to your house.

Each month's box will have a theme.

And according to WWD, the first box will launch in September.

Play! by Sephora boxes will roll out to Boston, Columbus, and Cincinnati in September.

Praise be to the Sephora gods! Our deliveries from Sephora have been justified!