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    Watch This Woman Transform Into A Siberian Husky Using Makeup

    It's impossible to look away.

    YouTube user Ilana Makeup Artist recently posted this video, in which she gives a tutorial on how to TURN INTO A SIBERIAN HUSKY using makeup.

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    Yes, you read that right.

    The resemblance is UNCANNY.

    It starts out so simply. Just some light outlining...

    Then, the brown fur comes into play.

    And next comes the white fur.

    Then she uses this little spoolie brush to get that furry ~texture~ with makeup.

    Things start to get especially eerie around the eyes.

    The nose feels pretty standard...

    But that tongue gets real AF.

    Nothing to see here, just some hair detailing going on. Cazh.

    And just like that, SIBERIAN HUSKY.

    Just some husky friends hanging out.*