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    Here's An Insanely Genius Hack For People Who Constantly Shrink Clothes

    All you need is hair conditioner.

    So, you're doing laundry on a Sunday afternoon and everything is going swell.

    Until you take out your sweater and it's shrunk so badly that it now perfectly fits your dog.

    Don't panic! Here's what to do: Fill your bathroom sink with cold water and add about 1/3 cup of hair conditioner.

    Soak your shrunken sweater in the water for about 10–15 minutes so it can soak up the conditioner.

    Next, drain the sink...

    ...and squeeze out as much water from the sweater as you can. DON'T rinse it with clean water.

    Lay the sweater out flat on a towel and absorb even more water.

    Drape the sweater over a drying rack and wait for it to air dry.

    Bonus: It works on shrunken pants, too!

    Added bonus: If you see a piece of clothing at a thrift shop and it turns out to be too small, you may be able to ~un-shrink~ it to fit you!

    Here's to sweater weather, y'all!